The “In Between”

Hi Friend,

Everyone encounters a season in life where they find themselves in a state of stagnation. Despite having a vision and clear goals, understanding what God has delivered them from, and perhaps having a glimpse of where He is leading them, the path forward remains elusive.

I refer to this phase as the "in between." The concept struck me during a sermon long ago, but its significance deepened when I heard someone offering advice to someone else. I've spent numerous years in this transitional space, grappling with the promises God has made to me and striving to comprehend how to reach the envisioned destination. Unfortunately, the "in between" is not a one-time occurrence; it's a realm where many leaders, dreamers, and visionaries sometimes find themselves questioning their identity and pondering whether God truly called them to pursue something extraordinary.

Embracing the "in between" is essential for relying on God. I often contemplate what lies ahead after this current season, considering the ideas and dreams I believe God has planted in my heart. If it's a God-given dream, you can only do it with Him and through Him. Remarkable things happen in the "in between," but trust is crucial. You are never alone.

Personally, I've felt the most distant from God during "in between" seasons. Despite praying, reading the Word, and attending church regularly, I would repeatedly express, "God, I don't feel you. I don't see you, and I don't know what to do or how to change this." It seemed like I was doing everything right, yet the distance persisted.

In the midst of one such "in between" season, one of my favorite pastors delivered a message with the same title. One statement resonated deeply: "A teacher never talks during a test." Reflecting on this, I realized that these transitional moments are God's way of testing my faithfulness and discerning where my trust truly lies. While I wish I could say I rely on God completely and never worry, that’s not always true. Trusting Him is a daily process, not only in the good times when He feels near but also in those moments when He seems distant.

Today, whether you find yourself in the "in between" season or simply need reassurance that you're not alone in your feelings, take heart. If you're feeling stuck and uncertain about reaching the promise God has for you, pray about it and seek healthy spiritual leaders to help guide you.

Remember: You haven't left God's sight, and you're securely held in His perfect, loving hands.

All my love,

Shelby Delgado


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