Meet Shelby Delgado

Shelby Delgado

Hey there! I'm Shelby Delgado, a California native with deep roots in faith and family. But it was during a transformative chapter of my life in Arizona that I discovered my true calling—empowering women and helping people grow in their relationship with Jesus.

My Journey: I've navigated the twists and turns of adulthood, and it was through these experiences that I found my purpose. Drawing from my own life and unwavering faith, I penned my debut book on singleness. It's not just a book; it's a heartfelt offering of guidance and inspiration for those walking the path of singleness, just like you.

What Fills My Heart: When I'm not immersed in books or writing, you can find me at my cherished church. There, I discover joy and a sense of community that fuels my passion for uplifting others. My mission? Encouraging you to embrace your singleness with purpose and strengthen your identity in Christ.

A Beacon of Hope: My commitment to my values, my family, and my unwavering passion for helping others shines through in everything I do. I'm here to be your beacon of hope, your partner on this faith-filled journey of life.

I'm thrilled you're here, and I can't wait to share this adventure with you.

With love and faith,
